

The Templar Order of Amarr
Name The Templar Order of Amarr
Ticker DETOA
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo Rhaenyra Dracoyen
Members 2
Tax Rate 2%
corporationID 98384452

Members [2]


Diplomacy & Recruitement:
T.O.A. Forum



>MANNERS: We want people who are good natured; not crude, rude, mean spirited, or low in the way they speak and behave. We expect our members to have good manners and be polite (if not friendly) to other players, and too seek to make EVE a more positive place. It is best to just ignore the ignoble low lives, immature brats, and dorks with big game egos.

>CAREER PATH: We do not care what your profession in Eve is; we care only that you represent the corporation by trying to be a decent person.

>NEW PILOTS, WHO ARE INDEPENDENT MINDED: In that we are just starting out, we actually prefer new pilots; and yet, we are few in number, and so we are hoping for mature and independent players, who don't need someone to hold their hand constantly.

>RESPECT: Say hello to your fellow corp members when you come onto the game, and say goodbye when you leave.

>LOW TAXES: 2% (any increase will be decided by member votes) - we are not about making money off of our members, but the members will determine how big or grandiose our goals become.

>ALTS WELCOME: If you are open about your main and you are not in another corp or alliance that is against us (Main's API).

>LONERS & QUIET TYPES: We don't force our members to be involved in anything, as long as they respect the code of conduct.

>PVP & PVE: We do not demand that you get involved in pvp, but we do require that if your corporation is attacked (war'deced) that if you don't want to fight, at least tank-up your ships, and try to help those who are fighting for the corporation in material ways (ships, gear, isk for those things)... Indeed, scouting is also of great help, being watchful, gathering intelligence, and "tagging all hostiles red"

>MINERS & INDUSTRIALS: It would be good if those who harvest resources, offer those resources to other corp members first, at a slight discount, and in return those who build things should offer their goods to other corp members at a slight discount as well. This will make everyone else stronger.

>TEAMSPEAK: We do not require it, but when we have numbers to warrant it, we will get a channel and make it available to members for use.

>DONATIONS: Anything you don't want, just deposite in the appropriate hangars at our various offices.

>PROMOTION: Due to the issue of Eve Players infiltrating corporations, pretending to be helpful and friendly, in order to rise in the ranks and then rip the corporation off, promotions are going to be needfully slow (that is to say access to things will be controlled until the member proves themselves by the investment of time, resources, and efforts.

>WAR & THE CRUSADE AGAINST EVIL: Our corporation, although not seeking trouble, will consider all individuals, corporations, and alliances that glorify and revel in their own wickedness and corruption, who openly seek to intimidate and prey upon the innocent, as valid targets to be undermined and covertly targeted. In due course, as our numbers grow, especially with those interested in PvP, we will turn that aggressive spirit toward the transgressors... Preying upon the predators. The non-PvP members can assist morally, and with intelligence gathering and material support.

>SMALL & NEW, BUT: We have have nine customs offices, four offices and a tower. We are on the edge of null, focused on Dihra; and fully support the NRDS corps and alliances of Providence in their struggles to make a safe and decent place to play and work.

Allow 24 hours for response to application.

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2025-03-20 22:43:23
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