

The Tenori Tigers
Name The Tenori Tigers
Ticker RU.N
Alliance -
Faction Guristas Pirates
Ceo Scar Bedala
Members 5
Tax Rate 10%
corporationID 98095978

Members [5]


Small, Deadly, Fast, Powerful!

Don't mess with the tigers! ... we hunt you down.... we take you out..... we ravage your wrecks............ And we've upgraded the wooden sword.

For Many years, the proud Tigers fought alongside their brothers the Ushra'khan and wider Minmatar freedom fighters. But the tigers were always rebels at heart, pirating and pillaging when not actively liberating alongside their brethren.

Eventually the Tigers moved on and Joined up with the Guristas. But their hearts are still Minmatar and will never attack their own.

Public Channel: Tenori_Tigers

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2025-03-20 21:34:46
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