

The Underground
Name The Underground
Ticker T-UG
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo Vincent Almasy
Members 6
Tax Rate 4%
corporationID 439935067

Members [6]


u"The Underground Corporation

is currently recruiting players of all ages as well as professions; miners, industrialists, and fighters or defenders. We take a part in many aspects of this universe and are still looking to exspand to reach
past the limits.

EVEmail a member and get to know us before
for an invite.

You can also use 'The_Underground' Channel for more
direct communications.

Don't beg for things, do it your self or you will never gain anything.

There are pilots that can translate german if it is needed.

The Underground Corporation

rekrutiert zur Zeit Spieler jeden Alters und jeder Neigung: Miners, Produzenten und K\xe4mpfer oder Verteidiger. Wir haben Teil an vielen Aspekten dieses Universums, und wollen expandieren um die Grenzen zu sprengen.

EVEmail Vincent Almasy um uns kennenzulernen, bevor du nach einer
Einladung fragst.

Du kannst auch unseren Kanal 'The_Underground' besuchen um mehr \xfcber uns zu erfahren.

Bettel nicht. Machs selber. Oder du wirst niemals etwas erreichen.

Wir haben Piloten, die Deutsch \xfcbersetzen k\xf6nnen, falls es n\xf6tig ist.


Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2025-03-19 06:15:16
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