

The Wreck Trawler Co.
System Salvage and Wreck Recovery Agency
Name The Wreck Trawler Co.
Ticker T-W-T
Alliance System Salvage and Wreck Recovery Agency
Faction -
Ceo Gren Astros
Members 1
Tax Rate 0%
corporationID 98490491

Members [1]


u'WELCOME to the T-W-T info point.

The T-W-T is a paying salvage and loot recovery operations corporation, that PAYS capsuleers for their abandoned wrecks and loot anywhere in EvE Online. Due to current influx of capsuleers abandoning their wrecks (and by popular demand), T-W-T is now issuing a FREE PERMIT for ROLE PLAY [RP] by individual capsuleers, corporation CEOs and alliances. The following LORE is enacted by T-W-T on behalf of CONCORD and all FACTIONS of EvE Online with regards to salvaging and loot recovery.

CAPSULEERS - Please take note of the following info CAREFULLY as T-W-T takes NO responsability for your losses.

\u25cb If requesting T-W-T then finish combat before fleeting any T-W-T ships to your location.
\u25cb Abandon [BLUE] wrecks/loot after combat if not needed = ISK PAID at Est. container price (Current Regional).
\u25cb Any unabandoned [YELLOW] wrecks/loot found will be collected and SOLD on the market as PAYMENT to T-W-T for all incured recovery, storage and admin costs.
\u25cb Please COPY & PASTE your FREE T-W-T PERMIT if you are RPing.

T-W-T OPERATORS - Please take note of the following info CAREFULLY as T-W-T takes NO responsability for your losses.

\u25d8 Only accept fleet invites after combat has ended, do not fleet during any engagements.
\u25d8 Deploy MTU and wait for wrecks to be emptied then scoop MTU leaving loot container, pay the container Est. to owner.
\u25d8 All wrecks/loot not abandoned [YELLOW] belong to their respective owners, salvaging the wreck is free but note, any loot recovered will enact a suspect timer [15 mins], at which point you may be engaged by any other capsuleer without CONCORD intervention - BE WARNED!


If you are RPing then please note that T-W-T operators may enact penalty fines or appeal notices for permit holders that leave wrecks behind in their systems. Depending on the standing level with T-W-T you may recieve a discount on fines at the following standings.

\u25cb -50% @ EXCELLENT
\u25cb -25% @ GOOD
\u25cb -15% @ NEUTRAL

T-W-T will put all items into storage for max 24hrs (fines payment period), before then being liquidated as compensation. All recovery operations are recorded with date/time/system/location and are inprinted with all invoices or available on request.


If you are interested in supporting T-W-T in their fight against wreck litterbugs then you\'ve come to the right place. We recommend using an ALT TOON for this process as the job entails solo/ninja salvaging (within the above rules and corporation etiquete). You will be given a unique corp ID/PERMIT (permit can be issued to RPing individuals or corp CEO\'s to distribute) and an encrypted station vault to store your ill gotten gains and also a pass protected station container for junk that T-W-T will pay for, '

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2025-03-21 21:07:35
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