

The Xu Enclave
Name The Xu Enclave
Ticker XU
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo Ozu Nakimura
Members 8
Tax Rate 5%
corporationID 199819508

Members [8]


u"The Xu Enclave is a group of mature, friendly people
looking to work together and enjoy creating history in
the world of Eve. We feature a roleplaying element
which players can participate in at whatever level they please. We enjoy drawing upon our rich backstory and history we have created which features a purely fictional (!) religion to flavour our corp's motivations.

-The Xu Enclave-

Xuism is a fledgling religion of no one race or background.

Xuism followers beleive in, and receive guidance from, those that dwell in the void that occupies jump space. They guide mankind between the stars and demand our respect and worship.

Convert and know you will one day return to the void from whence you came.

Xu, (or literally, the void), is known in both plural and singular manifestations; some followers perceiving him as a singular all pervading force, while others perceive many potent & wise voices- hence a large number of followers refer to Xu as they or the Warp Dwellers.

Xuism\u2019s central authority is based around the prophetic texts of the Three, giving power to the Council of the Founders to rule in Xu\u2019s name.

According to contemporary Xuastic teachings, they made their presence known for the first time to the prophet Maltharus, sometime around 23323AD. Unnoticed by the universe at large, Maltharus was swallowed mid jump in the Dom-Aphis system (subject of the famous Peralles incident). Not emerging until almost 10 years later Maltharus returned, not having aged a day, singlemindedly focused toward bringing their will to the galaxy.

Led by The Council of the Founders, The Xu Enclave is quickly consolidating a powerbase amongst a growing group of followers in Adacyne. The Enclave now looks to the future to best position itself to spread the word, and their power.

The future remains to be written."

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2025-02-22 07:22:43
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