Name |
The Zetetic Elench |
Ticker |
Alliance |
- |
Faction |
- |
Ceo |
Cupit |
Members |
10 |
- |
Tax Rate |
10% |
corporationID |
1202238653 |
Members [10]
Diplos -
Red Boss Cupit Almighty Narshe Mugre Public Channel -
ZETE Bar "The Elench had once been part of the Culture proper; they had split off fifteen hundred years ago, the few habitats and the many Rocks, ships, drones and humans concerned preferring to take a slightly different line from the mainstream Culture. The Culture aimed to stay roughly as it was and change at least a proportion of those lesser civilizations it discovered, while acting as an honest broker between the Involved - the more developed societies who made up the current players in the great galactic civilization game.
The Elench wanted to alter themselves, not others; they sought out the undiscovered not to change it but to be changed by it. The Elencher ideal was that somebody from a more stable society - the Culture itself was a perfect example - could meet the same Elencher - Rock, ship, drone or human - on successive occasions and never encounter the same entity twice. They would have changed between meetings just because in the interim they had encountered some other civilization and incorporated some different technology into their bodies or information into their minds. It was a search for the sort of pan-relevant truth that the Culture's monosophical approach was unlikely ever to throw up; it was a vocation, a mission, a calling"
Sovereignty systems [0]
The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2025-03-21 04:33:10