

Tilburg Tuboscope BV
Name Tilburg Tuboscope BV
Ticker T T B
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo Lea Hombre
Members 2
Tax Rate 15%
corporationID 241201059

Members [2]


My night on thursday was pretty rad (considering I was working).

It went like so:

I got to work at around 4:30, as per usual, clocked in, and started straightening out the back. Stacy (smokin hot brunette girl) is back there folding boxes, and asks me "Do you always get here early?" "Yea" I casually replied, "Its extra hours, shit adds up." "Do you think you're sly?" She snyly fires back. I beat a hasty retreat into gaining priority over other bus boys for being getting there first, and hustle off to work some more. Other bus boys come in, Im fiddling around with the vegetable slicer, trying to put it back together (most complicated machine on the planet) when my finger barely touches (seriously, I didnt even notice it) the blade on the thing and starts bleeding profusely (well, kind of, I went through two paper towels and one band-aid before it stopped). Caitlin (Not so hot [infact, down right bland] but awesome girl) comes back and notes that I cut myself, when she learns it was on the slicer, she shows me her finger and we decree that we are cut-buddies.

Flash foward to 7:30, Im putting my break food in. I waltz up to the front and tell Caitlin to surprise me. A few minutes later I go back up and ask Stacy to play narc for me and reveal the secret of my break food. I leave them to their devices, and after about ten minutes, again visit the front in a non-business errand. I start getting the information my curiosity pained mind so readily craves, when she starts to slow, noticing Caitlin is walking up (Caitlin told me to decide which half was better, without the knowlege of who made each half). I say (in a mockingly arrogant tone) "You have got to be the worst informant, ever!" and storm off to the back. Suddenly, out of nowhere, Caitlin comes running back (its hilarious when people run at the pizza shop, becuase the floors are so slick you have to adapt this really low posture to maintain balance) and shouts "Stacy said she wishes she was taller so she could date you!" Im in third grade again. Then Stacy comes running back, nearly bowling over Caitlin and says "Nu-uh! It was totally Caitlin that said that!" I kind of chuckle nervously and say "What?"

Once my Pizza is ready (tops 3 minutes later) I retreive it and tell them (in a mock-serious tone) "There was no need to make quips about my height" and walk into the dinning area. Caitlin says (loudly) "It's a compliment!"

Fun night overall, pleanty of shennanigans, and fairly slow for a thursday. Got out around 9:30, plus I got new shoes that day, which are totally bitchin'.

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The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2025-03-15 08:58:05
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