

Tortuga Coalition 102
Name Tortuga Coalition 102
Ticker TC102
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo Trey Marath
Members 31
Tax Rate 3%
corporationID 98085719

Members [31]


TC102 accepts a diverse group of pilots. Whatever strikes your fancy there is room for you in our corp. As long as you embody the motto "Corp, Honor, Duty, Glory"

Choose your interest & please contact each department head respectively:

Galileo Ohaya

Combat Ops/ PvP:
Ishton Pendraven, Rotaderpeibmoz

Mission Running/Diplomacy/Mining Ops:
Trey Marath, Galileo Ohaya

TC102 has a vast collective knowledge of EVE and we're willing teach worthy candidates.

Majority of our corp are PST along with some Germany TZ.

Your One Stop Shop For All Your Corp Needs! Fly Safe!!!

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2025-03-14 18:12:03
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