

Toy Makers
Name Toy Makers
Ticker TOY M
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo yevome en Chalune
Members 7
Tax Rate 10%
corporationID 1013499297

Members [7]


Toy Makers [Artificers, Mechs, Techs]
A term originating in old Earth, whose beginnings are vague. The concept of making toys into Toy Maker and Toy Makers changed long ago before discovery of the EVE gate. They were cunning artificers of their time making with almost mystical powers. Making quantum mechanical wonders, far ahead of their time, with innovations in mechanics, engineering married to technology of such vast complexity, that by the time of the EVE gate discovery Toy-Makers were synonymous with Wizardry in a technological sense. Their expertise was coveted to an extent of becoming a target of political intrigue, and on occasion the cause of armed conflict.

The Master Artificers of the Toy Makers, ever seeking for new technologies, applications and innovations for their craft sent expeditions into the EVE gate along with many other Earth colonising undertakings.
With the collapse of the EVE gate and the following apocalyptic catastrophe much was lost. However, There are significant indications in Jovian technology particularly, and in the technologies of the Thukkers and Tinkerers of Minmatar and other races that Toy-Maker disciplines and traditions survived and are exercised still.

We are of such, and we are looking for our fellow Toy Makers, lost and scattered throughout EVE.
If you think you may be one, contact any Toy Maker and you will be referred to a Master Artificer for evaluation.

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2025-03-20 09:32:48
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