

Transfixion Academy
Name Transfixion Academy
Ticker TXACD
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo Tincanman
Members 1
Tax Rate 10%
corporationID 98024710

Members [1]


Transfixion - "We have a cooler logo"

We are a low-sec based corp, that has been together for more then a year. We enjoy the game for all it has to offer, and do not ignore any aspect :)

We're looking for:

- Dedicated mature players; That have a love for this game and all its stands for.

- Active players of all timezones with the initiative to do things.

- Players who don't mind constant wardec's or losing ships.

We offer:
- Close knit Community
- Relaxed Atmosphere
- Alliance Opportunities
- Teamspeak 3 Server
- Jump clones
- Pvp opportunities (low and nullsec roams)
- Killboard
- Low-sec holdings.
- Frequent Ops

We want players that want to be apart of a community and during their stay in Transfixion, build a long lasting relationship with its members and friends.

There is a heavy preference for players over 5m SP.

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2025-03-15 02:30:46
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