

Transit - Mining - Refining - Production
Name Transit - Mining - Refining - Production
Ticker TMRPI
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo Akihiro Shiyuri
Members 6
Tax Rate 0%
corporationID 98151422

Members [6]


TMRP is a corporation made solely for the purpose of mining, production and trading of goods. It is a small branch built for newer clones as an introductory stage to corporation life. If you are looking for a fun little corporation to get yourself going or want to make a family in a small corp, TMRP welcomes you.

(Trial Account Allowed)

None. Corporation being revamped

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2025-03-21 08:34:24
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API J:21 Mar 08:13 K:21 Mar 08:36 C:21 Mar 08:48 A:21 Mar 08:35 O:04 Jun 11:15 F:21 Mar 08:35 S:21 Mar 08:42 W:21 Mar 08:15