

Tribal Intelligence Agency
Name Tribal Intelligence Agency
Ticker TIA--
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo BoLLKinG
Members 2
Tax Rate 0%
corporationID 98623687

Members [2]


Tribal Intelligence Agency rekrutiert erfahrene Kampfpiloten.

Unsere Tribal Intelligence Academy bildet Miner, junge Kampfpiloten, Missionrunner und Explorer aus.

Schau in unserem Kanal vorbei: Tribal Intelligence Agency

The Tribal Intelligence Agency (TIA) was a civilian foreign intelligence service of the Minmatar Repuplic, tasked with gathering, processing, and analyzing national security information from around New Eden. As one of the principal members of Minmatar Intelligence Community (MIC), the TIA reported to the Director of Tribal Intelligence and was primarily focused on providing intelligence for the Sanmatar and the seven tribes of the Minmatar Repuplic. The TIA was one of the agencies authorized by law to carry out and oversee covert action at the behest of the Sanmatar. It exerted foreign political influence through its tactical divisions.

During the Blood Raider attacks on Pator, the Tribal Intelligence Agency lost almost all its agents, as the robbers managed to simultaneously eliminate their battleships and destroy the agents' clones. Panther Zwei and two other agents survived the terrorist attacks of the Blood Raiders. After the attack on coastal Mikramurka, and in view of the Triglavian invasion, Sanmatar Shakor was accorded emergency powers by the Tribal Council for the co-ordination and command of all Minmatar Republic defense, security and public order agencies.

Since then, the Republic of Minmatar has been in a state of emergency and the Tribal Intelligence Agency has lost all of its operational structures and personnel. Now on her own, Panther Zwei sets up a new task force with industrialists, miners, hackers, and volunteer warriors from all seven tribes to protect the border from the invasion of the Triglavians and the Amarr infiltration.

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2025-02-22 07:12:09
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