

Tribe Quest Love Ent
Name Tribe Quest Love Ent
Ticker TQLE
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo Shu Agglet
Members 1
Tax Rate 1.5%
corporationID 98470474

Members [1]


Tribe Quest Love Enterprises

Tribe Quest Love Enterprises (TQLE) is a corporation dedicated to its pilots, and is seeking new and old pilots from all races in the game. The organization of this corp is on a traditional corporate structure with department heads leading their subordinate departments based on the needs and desires of the corp. We are a high-sec/low-sec focused corporation that will be making the jump to null sec in the near future.

Tribe Quest Love Enterprises (TQLE) is looking for people who want to help build this corporation into something great. The corporation is looking for many different pilots, with experience in all area's as well as new members eager to learn and grow their knowledge of the game.

Mining is the primary focus of TQLE and is looking for pilots who specialize in mining to help fuel our mission. Miners are the backbone of any corporation, primarily one with industry at its roots. You will provide all kinds of minerals and funds for the corp, as well as supply the Industrial Officers with their required goods to accomplish their tasks.

Manufacturers are charged with building items, equipment and ships for the use and/or sale of the corporation.The Industry department will also run trade routes and places orders to sell and buy items based on the needs of the corp as well as provide logistic hauling for all other departments.

TQL needs pilots who are willing to fight with Corp-mates to the end. All members of TQLE need to be able to participate in military operations when needed. Active PvP and PvE operations will provide supplemental income and generate good standings with agents through the completion of missions. There are regular fleet missioning ops, where pilots will get together to help complete challenging missions together. As we grow fleet hunting ops and cyno-based ops will become part of our regular orders of business. This department is charged with protection of the corporation, acting as our security. If we need to transfer goods through Low-Sec space, you will be there to escort us.

There is no one style of play, and anyone can do anything, but if there is any preference you have, we have it for you. Feel free to suggest something to us to help expand the Fleet and make your Eve experience better. Rank rewarding system is based on the needs of the corp. Officers will be promoted as the need for them arises. Promotions will be based on member account activity, corp involvement, trust and positive interactions with other members, acquired certificates in their field, and granted awards.

Contact our CEO Saint Ambrye if you have any questions.

Recruitment Channel: Tribe

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2025-03-21 08:53:07
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