

Trifecta Recovery Mining and Security
Name Trifecta Recovery Mining and Security
Ticker TRMAS
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo Icova2V
Members 4
Tax Rate 0.5%
corporationID 1107546238

Members [4]


Trifecta was formed by 3 very different men, who all had the same ideals, and all shared an astounding friendship. One was an ex-Gallentean Navy captain who, after 20 years in the service, decided to stay aboard his Retriever-class barge and chew ore out of rocks all day. Another was a Caldari courier who just wanted to run something other than papers and packages all day. And the third was an ex-Caldari Marine colonel that got fed up taking orders to do what he liked to do: kill pirates. Together they formed, Trifecta Recovery, Mining, and Security.

Icova2V, CEO

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2025-03-22 01:05:39
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