

Triglavian Death Watch
Name Triglavian Death Watch
Ticker TDW.
Alliance -
Faction -
Members 9
Tax Rate 0%
corporationID 98644334

Members [9]


u'Triglavian Death Watch have a relaxed player base with capsuleers that seek riches and fortune in Amarr space, We are mainly PVE focused corp but have opportunities to jump into PVP when we like, Our motto is real life first you choose how you want to spend time in new eden but we have options available when looking for content.

Corp Activities:
\u2605 Mission Running
\u2605 FOB Fleets
\u2605 Abyssal Deadspace
\u2605 Ore & Ice Mining
\u2605 Small / Large Manufacturing

Our mission is to build as a community within our corp and enjoy this game even more with our corp members and support any new bros looking to get settled into the game.

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Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2025-03-13 06:29:01
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