

Triton Engineering
Name Triton Engineering
Ticker TENGI
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo Tearith
Members 9
Tax Rate 10%
corporationID 98329374

Members [9]


u"Constitution of Triton Engineering

New Members

New inductees must pass a vote of the Founders (Akira, Farlander, Laraan, Terith). This vote passes with a simple majority (in this case 3 yea's required). An existing corporation member can be inducted to the Founders but this must pass a unanimous vote from the existing Board.


A determined tax rate will apply to Mission Rewards and Bounties. Tax rates can be changed with a passing majority vote fromt he Board. The funds can be spent on anything that passes a majority vote by the Founders. This includes general and specific requests.

Member on Member Crime

A corporation member may not attack any other corporation member or assets with malicious intent or commit any other malicious crime against any other corporation member or assets.

Leaving Members

Members may leave the corporation but must pass the same induction procedure that is required of newcomers if they wish to re-join. If a Founder leaves, the Founders shrink and the majority rules adapt to the new Founders population. Corporation members may not leave the corporation when in possession of company assets, unless they submit a truthful request and the request passes a unanimous vote by the Founders. Those in violation commit to the immediate and absolute declaration of war upon the corporation.

Exile of Members

Non-Founders can be exiled immediately and for any reason with a passing majority vote from the Board.


Founders can be impeached by a passing unanimous vote from the rest of the Founders if he or she has violated the Constitution.

If he or she has not violated the Constitution but the rest of the Founders wish to impeach, the defendant Founder must be given a thirty day warning with a list of required corrections or behavioral changes to execute. If -- in the judgment of the other Founders -- the corrections are made in time, the defendant may remain a Founder. If not, the defendant must accept Impeachment or will immediately and absolutely declare war on the corporation.

Board Members

Corporation members can be promoted to Board Members with a majority vote from the Founders. Board Members' priviledges are determined by the Founders. Any vote that ends in a tie within the Founders is broken by a vote of the active Board Members.

Amendments and Alterations

Amendments and alterations of any kind can be made to the Constitution but must pass a unanimous vote from the Founders. Changes to the Founders will automatically allow for the corresponding changes to be made to the section titled \u201cNew Members.\u201d"

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2025-03-14 12:58:34
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