

TrueShot Armada
Name TrueShot Armada
Ticker TRSAR
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo TurbulentSlay
Members 2
Tax Rate 3%
corporationID 98101804

Members [2]


Trueshot Armada is a PVE / Incursion corporation. We are a newly founded corporation with experienced members who have been in all aspects of the game. We are looking for the veterans as well as the newcomers who want to learn and become part of the family. We are a mature corporation and realize that all members have a life outside of the sandbox. It is important that people understand that we are US TZ but we do take players who are in EU TZ due to some members having more time to play and and different times of the day.

What do we offer?

-Mission Running
-Incursion Groups
-3% Tax that goes towards ships the members in need
-Ventrilo for better coordination
-Experienced members to help you in these aspects of the game
-Lets not forget having fun and making money

What do we expect from you?

-The ability to learn from us and grow with us
-Respect to other members and other players in the game

For more information or inquiry join us in TRSAR Recruit or convo Slormer 2 or Alliria Seedspawn

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2025-02-27 19:57:48
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