

True psychiatrists
Name True psychiatrists
Ticker TRUPS
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo Michael Amber
Members 18
Tax Rate 1%
corporationID 1443506972

Members [18]


u'There are no absolutely unhealthy people...
There are people who didn\'t undergo medical examination yet...

What\u2019s the definition of a pessimist?
A pessimist is a well-informed optimist....

\u2014 I have good news and bad news, the defense lawyer says to his client.
\u2014 \xabWhat\u2019s the bad news?\xbb
- Your blood matches the DNA found at the murder scene.
\u2014 Dammit!\xbb cries the client. What\u2019s the good news?
\u2014 Well,\xbb the lawyer says, \xabYour cholesterol is down to 140

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2025-02-19 19:45:07
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