

Typically Hypothetical Circumstances
Name Typically Hypothetical Circumstances
Ticker CBNS
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo Alabaster Oregene Stillness
Members 2
Tax Rate 0%
corporationID 98593691

Members [2]


u'Typically Hypothetical Circumstances is a hisec mining/indy corp, perfect for new folks to learn. We are an industry and PVE focused corporation, looking to develop and progress ourselves with this focus in mind. We offer a relaxed friendly environment for people to play the game and have fun. We have no plans to take over the eve universe but just want to carve out our own home in space where we can work together and have fun playing this fantastic game.

\u2666 Regular Mining Fleets - with full boosts hauling and isk payment for ore mined and option to buy ore from the corp
\u2666 Exploration/WH map of our local area to explore wormholes
\u2666 Several agents around to run missions if you so choose
\u2666 Moon Mining (very soon)
\u2666 Buy Back Programs for ore, pi, salvage
\u2666 FREE Freighter/Hauling to and from Jita
\u2666 A friendly community welcomes young/old/new/experienced players
\u2666 Chances to become more invovled with the running and development of the corporation
\u2666 We have our own structure(s) to reprocess and maufacture your goods at a low tax rate
*\\o/* Free Ships & Skill Books

What we expect from pilots looking to join

\u2666 New players and Alpha clones welcome
\u2666 Be Active
\u2666 Be Friendly'

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2025-03-17 19:14:40
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