u'UK Corp are a primarily UK based corporation and are proud members of
Goonswarm Federation.
Public channel:
UKC - JOIN Discord:
UKC DiscordWe are diversified across all aspects of EvE, however members are expected to attain a minimum alliance PvP fleet participation. We have fair ratting, mining and LP tax rates that allow us to give back to our members in various ways:
\u2022 Corp Funded Roams
\u2022 24/7 PVP content
\u2022 <10 pilot gangs to 1000+ pilot ops
\u2022 Huge amount of content to suit all players
\u2022 A great region to live in and make ISK.
\u2022 FC and combat training
\u2022 Exceptional logistic and industrial support - boosted fleets, free ships & more!
Very generous ship replacement program (Alliance + Corp) If you lose your ship, you make isk!\u2022 Capital ship incentives : Discounted capitals - help with building them .etc
For more Info, please join " UKC - JOIN " channel in game
Cheech Duff -
Fire Forager - Dark Bestia Diplo/IA Director -
Graeme Edwardson
Diplo/Finance Director -
Acid GraniteTI Director -
Pony 1
TI Director -
Director -
BPC Sales Queries
Cheech Duff -
Acid Granite '