

Uitra Gang Miners Inc
Name Uitra Gang Miners Inc
Ticker UGMI
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo Tanika Tigerpaw
Members 10
Tax Rate 10%
corporationID 1015852198

Members [10]


Our Primary aim is to assist new players to get up and running though gang mining operations, mission running or trading and to have fun playing as a team.

We are aiming for a friendly, respectful, mature group of people who are a pleasure to work with, and who can be relied on to watch your back. Anyone caught with their fingers in a UGMI members jetcan will have the whole gang to contend with, not just one lone noobie miner, so 'strength in numbers' is an added benefit.

If you have any questions, drop Duriel Zhan an evemail, or if you think we are the corp for you, drop in an application with a little info about yourself, like how long you have been on EVE, what your goals are, etc..... even if its just "hey, I'm new and your offer sounds good to me, can I join" we will get back to you and have a chat to see if you fit in.

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2025-03-15 09:46:39
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