

Unethical Heroes
Name Unethical Heroes
Ticker UNH
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo Semai
Members 1
Tax Rate 0%
corporationID 1008416998

Members [1]


We are a close knit, friendly corp, but we are looking to broaden our horizons. We are offering the opportunity to join us in our endeavours.

What we are looking for:

* Players who are active, running missions, mining, trading, or PvP, etc.
Players that want to play the game.
* 3 - 5 million skillpoints is a suggested minimum to join us, but exceptions will be made for players with an unusual specialisation, people who show the guts to have a go, or who show a special gift for sarcasm.
* Ventrilo essential
* The thin-skinned need not apply

What you can expect from us:

* Help and advice on aspects of gameplay, including mission running, trading, low sec ratting and PvP.
* Extra firepower for those trickier high level missions
* If needed, a free Tech 1 Frigate or Cruiser to get you up to speed and making ISK!
* The freedom to play EVE the way you want to play it, our corp is here to help its members out, not order them around!
* the occasional loan to get you going, or help you out of a hole.

Please contact Azkandhar, Aurrellian or Cador Mortaves for Recruitment Information.

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2025-03-20 20:24:20
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