

Unified Combatants
Name Unified Combatants
Ticker UCATS
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo Zarani Toralen
Members 21
Tax Rate 9.9%
corporationID 98127603

Members [21]


u'UCATS are Recruiting!

We are now accepting alts, twinks, hookers, drunks, refugees, lepers, pirates, drug addicts, horse thieves, eskimos, gankers, trolls, carebears, criminals, and pretty much anyone other degenerates of society.

No politicians though, we have standards.

We are primarily an Aussie and US TZ corp, but also have members in the European TZ and are currently living out of NPC 0.0 space in Syndicate. Whilst we are predominantly a PVP corp, we are also currently participating in a mix of PVE and Indy out of both our 0.0 home and lowsec space.

Free faction dildo launchers are provided upon successful application!

Aussie ISK Making:

CEO: Le\'count Montecristo

Recruiters: Jon Kauton & Charioa

Join us in our public channel "UCATS"


Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2025-03-21 05:46:26
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