

United Ascendancy State
Name United Ascendancy State
Ticker UNAST
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo TDD Dominaters
Members 44
Tax Rate 10%
corporationID 98587931

Members [44]


Are you a new or veteran players of the world famous sandbox known as E.V.E Online. We have the solution for you, our corporation known throughout the universe as UNAST or the United Ascendancy States Corporation is looking for those players who have drive and determination in order to , Have fun , Enjoy community spirit and , Be successful in any objectives in which we undertake.

While the languages and dialects of those in the universe are diverse we operate using the English Tongue. Our reaches in this world spans from the mighty mega cities of the United States of America moving across the ocean to a stable trading hub known as Europe. We are currently recruiting members and would like to have a chat with you if interested so do not hesitate to contact us.We hope that throughout your time within the corporation you will aim to achieve higher rankings and positions of great responsibility .The Corporation operates under a chain of command structure ensure that order and balance is maintained so that we can achieve our purpose to succeed.

Our Corporation focuses on these aspects in the E.V.E Online universe.
- PvE or Player versus Environment where we aim to run missions and explore the galaxy.
- PvP or Player versus Player where we will test our skills on the battlefield against foes such as other Corporations and roving gangs of Pirates
- Mining with our ships to collect vast quantities of ore from Asteroid and Ice Belts
- Industry to support both the Corporation and the general populace in both times of war and peace.
- Extensive Support in the form of teaching you skills such as Combat training and how to fit your Ship for the correct engagements and situations ,our overall aim is to provide you with the core and advanced knowledge so that you may have fun and be confident in your abilities
- In return we offer a number of valuable services to you not limited to but including
- Corporation Loans or Investments subject to approval
- Replacement of your Ship dependent on various factors
- A home station so that you may find sanctuary in desolate space by offering you opportunities in research and development.
- This also includes use of extras such as the Factory and Medical Cloning bay
- A guide of information and knowledge of our Home System as well as the surrounding regions
- We also require for you to at least have a microphone
Our acting Chief Executive Officer is Leo Dominator
We operate a network of different skills and avenues so that you can achieve your goals.

Once again thank you for reading this and we look forward to hearing from you

Please Contact TDD Dominaters / Leo Dominator

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2025-03-21 11:59:02
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