

United Earth Directorate
Name United Earth Directorate
Ticker U3D
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo twotimintim
Members 6
Tax Rate 0%
corporationID 98000993

Members [6]



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As a capsuleer in the United Earth Directorate you'll explore the deep spaces of industry; (mining manufacturing and trade) , small gang exploration, mission running, courier contracts and the company of the other out-standing citizens of the United Earth Directorate! Running mining ops, exploring the holes of worms, and standing strong, proud, a United Capsuleer!

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The United Earth Directorate is not currently a member of an alliance. We have strong affiliations in other areas of space. The UED and It's affiliates are offering low task rates, casual play experience, and a sense of genuine well being and self awesomeness.

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Today the Mining Fleets engaged the 'Roid forces of Gerek VI. The 'Roids fought hard, but our strippers fought harder!

Get 'em boys!

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Looking to learn, looking to travel, looking to be all you can be? The directorate can direct you!


Recruitment channel: Corps/Alliance Recruitment

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2025-03-21 13:37:17
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