

United Freelancers Organization
Name United Freelancers Organization
Ticker UFON
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo arcadia22
Members 7
Tax Rate 7%
corporationID 703897193

Members [7]


u"Freelancer corporation working in most areas.

Recruiting miners, mission runners, traders, builders\u2026

Feel free to check out our web site at

We're an international corporation with players from different countries and we welcome everyone.

For new players of EVE we can help you get started, skills, ships.

For more experienced players of EVE we're a fun place to be, friendly, loyal and helpful.

*UFON buys ore/minerals from members.
*UFON has a build project where members can make profits.
*UFON organizes events for it's members.
*UFON has a web site with forums.

Dont hesitate to apply to UFON, and when you do please add a little info about your self like where your from, age and what you think you want to do in EvE.

CEO Arcadia22

UFON (United Freelancers Organisation) Is a non-aggressive Freelance Corp of the Eve Universe. The name indicates the structure of the Corp as a group of joined players free to choose their own path of living in Eve, but with the advantages of being a joined group."

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2025-03-17 20:34:52
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