

United Galactic Republic
Name United Galactic Republic
Ticker UGROT
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo Sgt Varil
Members 1
Tax Rate 20%
corporationID 1984736512

Members [1]


Hello the United Galactic Republic is organized and discipline with benefits to loyal members we are a team of players looking to make a name for our team and make a home in the future run.
Join us in this epic adventure of power and respect learn how to be a effective pilot if you a rookie pilot we happily train you to to the ranks we have our own forums to team speak etc join us or become Allys with us for the quest of power and respect.

To join do one of thiese options:
Join the channel: UGR Public Chat
Convo me H0NZA

*Have a organize Miming fleet
*Have a organize Industrial sector
*Have a Defence Fleet
*Join a Alliance that owns there own space
*Etc Intel

Corporation vision:
Our primary vision... to be a good corporation for all players of all professions alike. We strife for a good environment for solo and group players. Our experience learns that lots of corp mates to hang out with will increase the experience of our members in a positive way, thus we have growth on top of our agenda.

Our secondary vision... to keep things challenging for our members. We do not want people to feel like they are a bot, but we want them to experience new things of the game. There fore we have on our agenda to open some offices in 0.0 sec. We already have offices in high and low sec, however 0.0 sec offers great opportunities for moon mining, ratting and deep space mining, but of course it offers the best PVP EVE has to offer.

We got the ships...
We got the weapons...
We need you!

Members of all races and time zones are welcome.

-If you have Diplomatic proposal or talk then join this channel:
UGR Diplomacy
Fly Safe and be strong
Best Regards.Captian.John

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2025-03-17 21:40:20
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