

United Jedi A-holes Conglomeration
Name United Jedi A-holes Conglomeration
Ticker UJAC
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo Dragon Solution
Members 3
Tax Rate 15%
corporationID 98036755

Members [3]


Looking for PvP'ers and industrialists to Join United Jedi A-holes Conglomeration !!!

Shoot shit and have fun

Person(s) to bitch to
bringrainfire - Human Resources and Corp Diplomat

Hecate Pandora - Delivery Driver
Can Courier your stuf, terms are
1. Each courier cannot be worth over 1bil in actual value
2. nothing over 1bil in collateral
3. max load of 860,000 m'3 - these loads are restricted to high sec.
4. low sec runs may not weigh more than 10,000 m'3
5. Reward must be REASONABLE

6. Give 7days to accept and 7 days to complete

Public Channel:-> evemail bringrainfire or gmail [email protected]

Recruitment requirments-
1. FUll API key
2. Dont be a idiot

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2025-02-22 07:58:57
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API J:22 Feb 13:57 K:22 Feb 13:43 C:22 Feb 14:00 A:22 Feb 14:34 O:04 Jun 11:15 F:22 Feb 14:28 S:22 Feb 14:34 W:22 Feb 14:13