

Universal Cooperative Group
Name Universal Cooperative Group
Ticker GROCU
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo Priux Brasil
Members 2
Tax Rate 0%
corporationID 98536861

Members [2]


Aqui a sua liberdade \xe9 respeitada!
A Universal Cooperative Group [GROCU] respeita plenamente sua individualidade e n\xe3o imp\xf5e qualquer compromisso para voc\xea, podes abandon\xe1-la e retornar sempre que quiser, participe como quiser, onde quiser e com quem quiser, sem nunca ser questionado.
A Universal Cooperative Group concentra-se no crescimento baseado no trabalho honesto, seja mineirando, explorando, transportando, industrializando, comercializando ou outros que n\xe3o prejudiquem ningu\xe9m, sem ataques ou confrontos PVP.
Embora tenhamos princ\xedpios pac\xedficos, eles n\xe3o impedem que voc\xea fique livre para fazer o que quiser. Voc\xea nunca ser\xe1 questionado. Isso significa que voc\xea pode participar de batalhas PVP sem o risco de expuls\xe3o, no entanto, voc\xea n\xe3o ter\xe1 o apoio material ou financeiro da corpora\xe7\xe3o para isso.
A PVP \xe9 por sua conta e risco.
A Universal Cooperative Group \xe9 democr\xe1tica e sugest\xf5es s\xe3o bem-vindas.
Para resumir: Nesta corpora\xe7\xe3o, voc\xea continua jogando como sempre e reduz suas despesas com as taxas da corpora\xe7\xe3o nativa com a qual voc\xea come\xe7ou na EVE.
Dicas e o aprendizado sobre este universo poder\xe1 ser compartilhado para ajudar no que for preciso.
Tire suas d\xfavidas sobre esta corpora\xe7\xe3o com Nato Crocop e junte-se a n\xf3s.
Voe seguro o7

Here your freedom is respected!
The Universal Cooperative Group [GROCU] fully respects your individuality and does not impose any commitment to you. You can abandon it and return whenever you want, participate as you wish, wherever you wish and with whom you wish, without ever being questioned.
The Universal Cooperative Group focuses on growth based on honest work, be it mining, exploration, transportation, industrialization, marketing or others that will not harm anyone without PVP attacks or clashes.
Although we have peaceful principles, they do not stop you from being free to do what you want. You will never be questioned. This means that you can participate in PVP battles without the risk of eviction, however, you will not have the material or financial support of the corporation for this.
PVP is at your own risk.
The Universal Cooperative Group is democratic and the suggestions are welcome.
To summarize: In this corporation, you continue to play as always and reduce your expenses with the rates of the native company that you started with EVE.
Tips and learning about this universe can be shared to help in whatever it takes.
Ask your questions about this corporation with Nato Crocop and join us.
Fly safe o7'

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2025-02-07 08:58:22
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