If you become a member you get 25% plus on your wallet if we have enough isk. We will teach you further more all we know about making isk with the eve online industry.
- There will be support for mining.
- There will be support for trading.
- There will be support for production.
- There will be support for exploration.
We offer you ships, items, isk and our knowledge to get a good start in eve online and to become a good eve online player. If you like to join the corp you can leave us at any time if you have learned and profit from us enough and can make it on your own. If you need our support later we will also try to support you.
To join the corporation join our public channel Universal Ltd of Funny Tea or directly apply to us. You can also get support in any in this public channel.
Sovereignty systems [0]
The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2025-03-18 09:08:11