

Universum Alternis
Name Universum Alternis
Ticker AU.79
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo maleus maleficarium
Members 18
Tax Rate 10%
corporationID 98094396

Members [18]


Universum Alternis AU.79

Gold Can Not Be Corroded

Formed and created to make a stable platform for capsuleers to build or rebuild their foundations, Universum Alternis provides this in this Mining Industrial orientated Corporation.

Being able to provide a steady income is a must for any capsuleer to grow.

Our family structure provides a warm and social enviroment, together with a mix of both young capsuleer who are finding their path allong EvE's many proffesions and old capsuleers needing a start to rebuild their way of life.

High Sec and Social Corporation.
Multi Ethnic structure
Main Language: English
light roleplay in AU Cantina
No SP limit requierments.
Limited API requiered.
Counceling for both young and old capsuleers.
Starting platform for self corp preparation.
Corporate carreer advancements possibilities.
Negative Security Status (unless agreed with the Corporate Operators) Capsuleers's applications will be denied admittance.
Missioning restrictions: All missions against Amarr, Caldari, Gallente and Min Matar on the restricted list.

Corporation Activities:

Single account capsuleers
Dual or Multi boxing capsuleers

Based in Dabrid, our plan is simple.
We Grow and Expand and see where the road will take us.
We believe it will be far

Join us in our public channel and get to know us in:
AU Cantina

If you desire to join the corporation, an aplication letter would be nice to get a better impression of you.

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2025-02-22 07:56:44
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API J:22 Feb 12:57 K:22 Feb 13:43 C:22 Feb 12:00 A:22 Feb 13:46 O:04 Jun 11:15 F:22 Feb 13:28 S:22 Feb 13:34 W:22 Feb 13:13