

Unknown Soldiers Mercenary Force
Name Unknown Soldiers Mercenary Force
Ticker UNKSO
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo Octavia Gryphon
Members 15
Tax Rate 7.5%
corporationID 98619221

Members [15]


We are an Organization who honor and respect the values of the real life Military around the world. We offer a home for those who wish to participate in the Brotherhood.

Clan Principles

UNKSO is based on a code of conduct based on participation, activity level, customs and courtesies, and the "clan members" are expected to have respect for the Chain of Command. This code of conduct is expressed in a thorough set of clan regulations that addresses issues all the way from how Recruiters should welcome new members into the clan, what responsibilities fall on our NCO's, and the expectations of every member for how they should carry themselves as a member of our clan.

Awarding Members
Unknown Soldiers not only upholds regulations, but we award members who do and go above and beyond to make sure the clan stays at the top. This is anything from consistent and excellent activity and participation levels, to technical services provided to help maintain our site and servers, to recognizing outstanding contributions over years.

Recruitment Status: Open
Karval Gryphon - CEO
Zain-ul'Abdin en Chasteaux - XO/Diplomat
Davnan Fletcher - Recruiter

Public Access Channel:
UNKSO Office
Discord Info:

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2025-03-21 23:38:36
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