

Unsung Heroes
Name Unsung Heroes
Ticker PEKA
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo Luxanna Luminosity
Members 5
Tax Rate 10%
corporationID 98112705

Members [5]


Unsung Heroes is a mature and laidback PvP and Industry corporation, currently operating out of Nullsec.

Key words being mature and laidback.

We believe that Real Life is more important than EvE.

If you're interested in joining please don't hesitate to contact us, or join our public channel: USH Recruit

Recruitment Contacts/Leadership:
Kai'sa Runeterra
Involves Aurilen

CEO: Kai'sa Runeterra
Executive Officer: Involves Aurilen

Diplomat: Snaffle Rollard, Neutron Blaster Cannon II ;)

"Shoot First Maybe Ask for Forgiveness Later"

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2025-03-20 07:11:03
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