

VF University
Name VF University
Ticker VFUCM
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo Caldari Citizen 93535860
Members 1
Tax Rate 3.5%
corporationID 98135269

Members [1]


VFU is a dedicated corporation that helps starters get their life jump started in New Eden, If you wish to join feel free! We provide classes and lessons if you wanna learn something new in EVE, also we like to have fun!

Also, we now have a sister university!
The Bloodmaer Academy of New Eden!
Once we train you for basic/advanced combat, and the essentials to survive in New Eden, we will send you to the Bloodmaer Academy of New Eden
to learn how to make alot of money in eve!
Good Luck and have fun!

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2025-03-20 10:45:52
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