

Velox Massa
Name Velox Massa
Ticker VWM
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo MES0
Members 8
Tax Rate 10%
corporationID 98118126

Members [8]


Welcome to Velox Massa, Latin for Swift Mass.

We are a young corp that is recruiting right now for every division.
So whether you are a industry, business or combat minded pilot, we have a place for you in Velox Massa.

We are a council ruled corporation, meaning there is no 1 leader of this organization, instead we share the leadership equally between the council members. This way we hope to create a more balanced corporation where every council member has a say before any big decisions are taken.

Thinking about applying?

We respectfully ask you to be a teamplayer that doesn't mind having to PVP with the corporation. We wont force you into any kind of scenario that you feel unprepared for or simply dont want take part in but we hope that you join our corporation for the chance to be part of something more than just what 1 player could achieve alone.

For any rookie that just came out of character creation, we will have no trouble showing you the ropes, as long as you are willing to learn.

If you are a older player with more experience, we can offer you a corporation that are willing to aid you, no matter your career choice.

Our divisions would like to help you in your career, meaning that if you like to go mine, we can offer mining buddies and haulers to help you and to increase your mining efficiency.
You might even find a security mission buddy.

What we want from you.

We want you to be able to join us on teamspeak, preferably to talk with us ofcourse, though you dont necessarily need to be able to talk.
But it is crucial for PVP fleet warfare with the corporation.
Also by being able to talk with us, we will have a more engaging and entertaining atmosphere for everyone to enjoy.

Recruitment Auditors:

Sidearm Quickdraw
Void Breaker

Write to or convo our auditors. We just want a quick chat with you before accepting your application. Also to answer any of your questions towards the corp.

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2025-02-22 20:12:47
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