

Vesslar Industrials
Name Vesslar Industrials
Ticker VSSL
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo Nell Drywater
Members 1
Tax Rate 5%
corporationID 98016236

Members [1]


We will provide products and services of superior quality and value that will improve the lives of New Eden's consumers.

Members of Vesslar Industrials will share ownership in the company and help guide its future. Being primarily a industrial based corporation, VI will focus on materials gathering, manufacturing, mission running, and market trading.

VI is driven by three main divisions:

Materials Divsion - Responsible for Ore and Salvaging. This is the primary divsion within the company. Miners and salvagers provide the materials required for ship, ammo, module, and rig manufacturing. Surplus is either stored or sold off based on market trends.

Manufacturing Division - Responsible for creating manufacturing jobs based off of the needs of the corporation or market trends. Current products being produced include ammunition, rigs, and planetary commodities. VI strives to be a self sufficent corp, meaning that the needs of its members can be met by VI manufacturing divison. Ship replacement and fittings will one day be a in house function.

Security Division - Pilots within this division will be responsible for security of the corporation. Also, mentoring other corp members in the art of security operations. Mission running and other PVP/PVE functions will be handled by this divsion.

Other Divisons include Administration, Fitting, and the Warehouse.. These entities are the supporting divisions and handle day to day tasks such as skill book requests, fittings, and ammunition allocations, and overall support for the pilots of VI.

We at VI are a family. We will depend on each other. We will always trust the judgement of our managers and directors.

I hope you consider employement with VI. Join now to start a new and enjoyable Eve Online experience.

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2025-03-15 22:29:40
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