

Vi Veri Veniversum Vivus Vici.
Name Vi Veri Veniversum Vivus Vici.
Ticker VVVV.
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo Douchey Baggins
Members 6
Tax Rate 10%
corporationID 98137388

Members [6]


By the power of truth, I, while living, have conquered the universe.

Vi Veri Veniversum Vivus Vici is a small group of casual players that are focused on playing the game for fun. As well as the enjoyment in killing others :)

We are based in high sec, mostly in Caldari space. We welcome new and old pilots. We do some pve but mostly are into pvp. We will help in either area.

Message Nmar Baenor or Douchey Baggins or join u Nmar Baenor s in our public channel VVVVV public for details

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2025-03-15 11:13:42
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