

Name Vigihan
Ticker MTKRV
Alliance -
Faction Minmatar Republic
Ceo Tsiri Lightwind
Members 2
Tax Rate 5%
corporationID 98072801

Members [2]


u'House Vigihan is an old, progressive and wealthy house of the Jin-Mei nation dedicated to freedom, democracy, and seeing an end to the tyrannical fingers of the Amarr and their oppressive slave trade. One of the original revolutionaries on Chakaux (Lirsautton III), the house is no stranger towards fighting the status quo and has almost "heretical" liberal views on personal freedoms, caste mobility and fluidity, and the equivalent rights of women. Being one of the few great Houses of the Jin-Mei to actively desire an end the caste system, and having earned it\'s Sang Do caste status through the revolution, the house is somewhat of an outcast in Jin-Mei society but is also a hero to those who oppose the old ways.

When the Jin-Mei encountered the Gallente Federation and subsequently willingly joined it, Vigihan itself a supporter of this union, many Vigihan family members left the nation and sought their fortune elsewhere being some of the first to emigrate elsewhere within the Federation. Some even still left the Federation for Caldari space. When the Amarr Empire emerged and made contact with the Gallente, the family saw within the empire the same toxic, closed minded and outdated views of their peers \u2013 magnified into outright slavery and oppression rather than an attempt at benevolent leadership \u2013 and dedicated themselves to their downfall. Feeling empathy towards the Minmatar plight, and wanting to move into a position to further attack the Empire, the family has since emigrated to the Minmatar, and while outsiders puts forth their full effort in building, defending, and expanding freedom in the galaxy.

Hawks at heart, Vigihan are ardent supporters of the military superiority of the Minmatar and Gallente nations, and will work to defend their holdings and ideals from all threats \u2013 both foreign and domestic. The family is an enlisted unit in the Minmatar militia.

While still a significant landholder in Chakaux, the Vigihan family \u2013 quite disillusioned with the ability of their nation to change \u2013 seeks to fight for the rights and freedom of those whom others would call \u201cslaves\u201d, and an to end the religious zealot onslaught of the Amarr Empire on the peaceful nations of New Eden.

US Eastern TZ, Light RP/Heavy PvP Corp. NHDS. Anti-Pirate.

Now that the formalities of definition are stated: We understand real life comes first, and will never fault you for not being able to make a roam, or play at a certain time. We are however a close knit unit, and we expect - if you join us - that you will participate in activities with us. We do exploration, low sec PvP (with the aforementioned conditions), faction warfare, and on the rare occasions wormhole diving. Prospective members should be aware that we do ask for at least a limited API (to make sure your account is not a spaaii), and we generally do not accept trial accounts. SP is not a factor, but you are expected to be able to engage in at least frigate/cruiser PvP or specialize your training in order to do so.

For recruitment and diplomacy questions, contact Kalicor Lightwind

Public Channel: Drunken Ewok'

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2025-03-26 12:27:37
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