

W.M.S. Industrial
SubLime Alliance
Name W.M.S. Industrial
Ticker WMS-I
Alliance SubLime Alliance
Faction -
Ceo Testing Alduin
Members 11
Tax Rate 5%
corporationID 98727151

Members [11]



We are We Make Stuff Industrial, a small corporation that operates in high-sec solar systems.

We value the three M\u2019s. Mining, Manufacturing, and Money.

What makes us unique from other corps is you know where your tax money goes, all our taxes go towards our most voted on project that you can vote on in our Discord or in the politics section of our corp. We also do mining fleets.

Our tax rate is only 5%, half as much starter corporations.

We accept experienced players and beginners!

See you soon! We are looking for Miners, Salvagers, Manufacturers, and finaly 1 Diplomat. Submit your role you want and why in your application.

Current Project: Pay for Scheenins - Moon Zapper fuel blocks.

Price Of Project: 5.46M ISK A Day

Discord: '

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2025-02-22 09:15:57
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