

Kador Defense Force
Name WD 4EVE
Ticker WD4
Alliance Kador Defense Force
Faction -
Ceo WD 4E
Members 3
Tax Rate 0%
corporationID 98577875

Members [3]


With Spectrum gone you can see the light?

The Frequancy Spectrum is from 0 to light.

Kador Defense Force is Recruiting, We think you should be
able to play EVE in HS any way you want. You also can play as an indepentant corperation or alliance. Due to the game mechanics to defend each other we at times have to join forces. Kador Defense Force is that tool.

EVE is a GAME !

WE explor all New Edan has to offer.
Including PVP if that is how you want to play EVE, it is exciting. It is not mandatory!
Every PVP action ends with GF in local and no bad mouthing.

We do not pick on Nnew Bros or Bitter Vets that just want to do their own thing.
We do pursue players that are RICHARD CRANIUMs.

Kador Defense Force is for you.

We are recruting for all community members of Kador that want defend the region.

If you send a few players to help defend they can join WD 4EVE .
If your corp wants to join then Kador Defense Force .

This is no Dictator Ship, as people join, natural leaders appear from the ranks, it is neat to see as it unfolds.

If your a scammer we got your jammer tuned in to the right frequancy.
There is nothing to steal, you cant steal air were in a space game.

OH never forget the F word FUN it is a GAME

07 WD 4E
Not the great one just a humble servant of Kador

Membership limited to 2600 players.

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2025-03-14 15:25:48
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