

Water and Power
Name Water and Power
Ticker WPOW
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo Kesslee
Members 11
Tax Rate 14%
corporationID 482250518

Members [11]


u':\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0 \xa0\xa0We supply the things you need.
:\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0/\xa0\\ \xa0We don\'t take sides, we just fill orders.\xae
:\xa0\xa0\xa0/ \xa0\xa0\\
:\xa0\xa0/\xa0\\/\\/ \\ \xa0We specialize in Empire production and
:\xa0\xa0\\\xa0\xa0P\xa0\xa0/ \xa0procurement for export to corps and
:\xa0\xa0\xa0\\\xa0 \xa0/ \xa0alliances that reside in low and null
:\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\\\xa0/ \xa0security space. If you are friendly to us,
:\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0 \xa0we can probably help supply your operation.

Membership in one of our corps is via. invitation only.

Contact Kesslee for all inquiries.

Specialties include:
\xb7 Fuel acquisition
\xb7 All Races - Tech II module Invention/construction.
\xb7 All Races - Tech II Ship Invention/construction.
\xb7 Discreet Reaction Chain and Advanced materials production consulting and setup.
\xb7 Industrialist\'s supplies & Ship Packages.

Contract sales:
Tech I/II Capital and Capital components construction.

Volume production:
\xb7 R.A.M. and Tech II component and assembly materials.
\xb7 Warp disruptor and exploration probes
\xb7 Max-run, well researched BPC\'s for popular modules and BC or smaller Tech I combat ships.'

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2025-02-07 07:27:16
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