

Whimsical Mining Refining and Exploration
Name Whimsical Mining Refining and Exploration
Ticker WHIM
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo Lehi
Members 10
Tax Rate 2%
corporationID 1160388657

Members [10]


u'Are you tired of the same old thing with your corporation? Has your corporation stalled in its endeavors in Eve? Is your current management no where to be found?

These are just a couple of reasons that Whimsical was started. The need to get people involved in the game with direction and realistic goals in mind.

Whimsical is looking to expand its player base. We are manyly missioners and industrialists in search of the everlasting ISK. So if you would like help in obtaining that goal, then Whimsical is in need of you.

First off, what we are not \u2013 We are not a pirate/griefing corporation. These actions will not be tolerated at all.

What we are \u2013 We are a mature group of players that are RL orientated. We play the game because we want to have fun without all the DRAMA. We are serious about reaching the goals for the corporation though. We are mainly USTZ players, but that could change as we expand.

Our requirements are pretty low in comparison to most corporations.
Must be 18 years old or older
Old and new pilots welcome

Things that we are currently involved in - The standard mining, missioning (lvl4), production assistance, ship assistance for new players, training/assistance/guidance for new players, and many other things... As the Corporation evolves, so will our abilities to do things.

So if you\u2019re a seriouse player, please feel free to contact me in game.


Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2025-02-17 19:38:34
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