

Xstrata Mining
Name Xstrata Mining
Ticker XTRA9
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo Drakar Shardani
Members 78
Tax Rate 6.5%
corporationID 98648720

Members [78]


Do you do Mining, trade, research. and PvE, but with no activity commitments? Then we are the right corp for you.

Real life first is our motto, we have no activity quota's or any other mandatory operations going on.

What do we have to offer? we focus primarily on industry.

- Mining [Weekly ops]
- Refining
- Production
- Supply Chain
- Very active player base, all time zones covered
- You need help? We are more than willing to assist
- We are not war eligible, and it will stay that way
- Newbro friendly

- No drama
- Respect (blue)standings!

Our mission is to get newbros used to the industrial life and with their help,
compete in the markets and supply our partners.

Join our public recruiting channel: Xstrata Recruiting

Xstrata Mining

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2025-03-04 07:47:21
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