

You break it we make it
Name You break it we make it
Ticker YB WM
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo Jesco
Members 25
Tax Rate 1%
corporationID 98597473

Members [25]


We are a mainly industrial corporation and part of Intrepid Crossing based in Etherium Reach.

We offer:

- laid back community
- industry & mining
- free mining & industrial ships
- free doctrine ships
- PvP events from small-scale gangs to fully fledged fleet warfare
- the ability to produce anything that can be produced

Our simple rules:

- be on comms
- be polite
- have fun
- RL always comes first

If you're interested, do not hesitate to contact either Jesco or Lemming Audier to get in contact.

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2025-02-22 19:08:46
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API J:23 Feb 03:57 K:23 Feb 03:43 C:23 Feb 04:01 A:23 Feb 04:17 O:04 Jun 11:15 F:23 Feb 03:59 S:23 Feb 03:35 W:23 Feb 04:13