

Black Rose.
Name Zarnfell
Ticker ZFELL
Alliance Black Rose.
Faction -
Ceo sundoc
Members 56
Tax Rate 10%
corporationID 98187780

Members [56]


u'We are Zarnfell
We have excellent opportunities for all kinds of players.
Our Zarnfell Corp is a member of Black Rose Alliance, in the large Phoenix Coalition.
Our Alliance holds SOV for 13 systems in nullsec.
We have access to 3 full Regions in nullsec with a huge number of systems that we can operate in.
There are great opportunities for you no matter what your play style.
We need PVPers, both local defense and expeditionary. You can do both or either.
We need PVE players to rat in the systems and get rich while keeping standings up.
We need haulers. We need miners. We need Industrialists. Explorers. Given the amount of space we have access to we literally can accommodate ANY kind of play style you might have and \u2026 we NEED you to do the things you ENJOY do9ing !
For those not ready for nullsec, we also have a high sec corp that is not war eligible. You can fly there while you learn and either stay there or later move to Zarnfell when you are ready for nulsec.

Send me in-game mail if you want to talk further.
My player name is sundoc and I am CEO of Zarnfell.'

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2025-03-01 09:29:49
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