

Zen Tech
Name Zen Tech
Ticker ZTL
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo JxC Lyc
Members 3
Tax Rate 10%
corporationID 1240969328

Members [3]


Recruitment Team: Stuck on the other side of the eve gate

Zen Tech at the moment was a group of highly motivated, honest, and trustworthy pilots who primarily fly PvE but represent a broad spectrum of interests and individual talents that contribute to the well being and advancement of the whole. We dont tolerate pirating, Can fliping, or Ganking agsinst other players or our own members

We were always looking for new members whether miners, pvpers, traders, manufacturers, or otherwise. please first send your user ID and limited API by Evemail to all the recruitment team for tracking and verification purposes. We will get back to you as soon as one of us has got your Evemail and started to prosess it. Do NOT send your username, it is not necessary or needed

-No SP minimum, but out of trial period OR subscribing within 24 hours.
-Age is of very little concern to us, maturity is.
-Be laid back and have a good sense of humor.
-Be active in the corp and willing to run in fleets.
-Be willing to teach or to learn when necessary.
-We also are willing to accept any level of player, whether new or old, who plays EVE for the fun of it and enjoys likeminded players.

Recruiting: closed

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2025-03-20 20:29:07
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