

Zenith Lab exiles
Name Zenith Lab exiles
Ticker ZLE
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo m dowe10
Members 29
Tax Rate 5%
corporationID 98163021

Members [29]


u'"Quality means doing it right when no one is looking" - Henry Ford

We are Zenith Lab exiles an Amarr based corp. We offer a place for all pilots, newbros and veterans alike. As we strive to be an industrial powerhouse we believe that many individuals working together can be unstoppable. If this is a place you can find yourself flourishing, please join us here and lets have a chat.

We are looking for smarter ways to formulate our products in order to improve performance and/or gain total cost efficiencies. For years, we\u2019ve been reliably selecting, modifying and reacting various universe-based chemistries to create specific, innovative solutions for our industrial customers.

This Corporation is solely based in high sec with outlets to both nullsec or lowsec areas.

What we can offer you:
+ Access to a variety of fully researched BPC\'s
+ Boosted mining fleets
+ Fleet Run Level 4 Missions
+ Corporation level Ore Buyback

Who are we looking for:
+ Miners / Industrialists
+ Haulers'

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2025-03-04 21:19:14
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