

Zeta Reticuli Blackpill Alliance
Absolute Glory
Name Zeta Reticuli Blackpill Alliance
Ticker ZRBA
Alliance Absolute Glory
Faction -
Ceo Incel Space
Members 302
Tax Rate 3%
corporationID 98754600

Members [302]


u'In the distant future of New Eden, a new faction rises from the depths of space \u2014 a shadowy alliance of disillusioned pilots, miners, and traders who have become jaded with the endless wars, politics, and corporate betrayals that define the galaxy. This faction, known as the Zeta Reticuli Blackpill Alliance, takes its name from the Zeta Reticuli star system, a distant, mysterious place where whispers of ancient alien races have fueled endless speculation.

But for the Blackpill Alliance, the truth is not uplifting \u2014 it is bleak, fatalistic, and cynical. They have come to the grim realization that no matter how hard they fight, no matter how many alliances they form or wars they win, the endless cycle of conflict will continue. Humanity, and perhaps all intelligent life in New Eden, is doomed to perpetual strife, greed, and corruption.'

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2025-03-18 00:00:20
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