

caldari defense militia squad
Name caldari defense militia squad
Ticker CMDS
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo Dean LeV'Castle
Members 6
Tax Rate 12%
corporationID 98118248

Members [6]


In very far away place,(but not to far away from YOU) we The Caldari Defense militia; thrive to survive the harsh elements of space, a place where opportunity and death roam side by side.
We are a friendly group of capsuleers whiling to help anyone brave enough to join our ranks, and help us grow not just as a corporation, but as friends.
We are mainly focusing on mining operations and helping the caldari state! whether building them ships to supply our brave navy or by cleaning out deadspace pockets of rats (pve, ratting or missioning) or even supplying them troops and backup. We do plenty other stuff to! so join us by contacting one of our recruiters ingame or on website!

we are a industrial/pvp corp

*we have a recruitament proccess(accepting times very)
*new pilots welcome
*new player friendly
recruiting rules

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2025-03-16 05:59:47
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