

chaos blood angels
Name chaos blood angels
Ticker 9012
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo sgt joghson
Members 1
URL http://
Tax Rate 5%
corporationID 98033708

Members [1]


CORP GAOLS: EVERY ONE HAS A SAY IN THE CORP become a super power of a 200 man plus corp
become a Business group and fight as much as we can

Our Recruitment chanle: Chaos Blood Angels

corp goal: to become a super power and kick ass

What the corp offers:

5 mill for new member to try out null sec for 10 days

new player freindly: we are a new player freindly corp but we only offer services to sellect few who meet the standing requirements
weekly ops: that you get payed for
types of ops
finding op recon op pvp ops mininng op

Assault ship program:
if you can fly it. and you have been in the corp for 2 months we will buy you one
Converter program:
you have been mining you and being active in most mining op for the corp and you been in this corp for 2 months we'll buy one one
Hulk program:
you have been mining you and being active in most mining op for the corp and you been in this corp for 4 months we'l buy one
Drake/equivalent BC program:
for cta's
4 mill skill book program
every month on the 1st each member will send a evev mail to the ceo for the skill books they need if you need to buy over 4 mill talk to ceo

pvp ship replacement with in 24 hours
(only apply to the ship and people who pvp during a corp cta)

reaching skilllevel 5m skill points 10 mill skill points
depending your your skill set and CEO need your api key and id to collect reward

Blood Hounds:
elite members most be able to do advance skills talk to ceo for more info
rewards for being a member:
loseing a ship from pvp op get fiting replaced as well as ship
first persons to get weekly ops and get double payments

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2025-03-21 07:19:53
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API J:21 Mar 09:13 K:21 Mar 09:36 C:21 Mar 10:05 A:21 Mar 09:38 O:04 Jun 11:15 F:21 Mar 10:05 S:21 Mar 09:42 W:21 Mar 09:36